Thursday 10 March 2016

5.Video Games

It is a an electronic game which player control on a video screen.

In 2015, worldwide revenues totaled $115.06 billion($16.40 billion handheld video games, $22.01 billion mobile games, $21.60 billion PC games, and $55.05 billion video game console) (greengarage, 2015).

  • Educational games that develop skills such as logical thinking and puzzle solving.
  • Helps in quick decision making.
  • Improve confidence.
  • Increase in working memory.

  • Increase in aggression and violence.
  • Poor health issues such as obesity
  • Physical problems such as constantly using wrist, eyes and thumb.
  • Lack of physical exercise outdoor activities.

Greengarage (2015). 10 Primary Pros And Cons Of Violent Video Games". Green Garage. Relative, from

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